The first trip of a vehicle equipped with an Highway Pilot, held on the roads of Baden-Wuerttemberg and had a length of nearly 500 kilometers.

Company Mercedes has begun testing a system of autonomous driving Highway Pilot on public roads. To do this, it installed on board a completely standard truck Actros, which will run on the roads of Baden-Wurttemberg, whose government supported the test.



The first trip Actros with a system of autonomous driving on board held a closed-route Denkendorf Denkendorf, Stuttgart Airport, the total length of which amounted to 484 kilometers. On the highway Highway Pilot is able to maintain the desired speed and lane control using radar and a stereo camera distance to the car in front, slow down time in the event of slow traffic flow or the occurrence of a potentially dangerous situation.

In the photo: the standard Mercedes Actros

Highway Pilot does not require an Internet connection. However, this is not a complete autopilot, and a helpful assistant who relieves the driver when driving monotonous, but it does not remove the obligation to monitor what is happening in the case of an obstacle (such as road works) to take it over. The settlements control also fully by the driver.

A more refined version Highway Pilot equipped Freightliner Inspiration Truck, presented in the spring by Daimler Trucks.